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Delivery of Annual Report design for HKEX listed Asset Manager

Publications and articles

This week, we delivered the Design of the Annual Report for an Asset Manager listed to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ("HKEX").

For the third year in a row, we have handled the design and layout of the Annual Report for this client. The report will be published and distributed next week in digital PDF format and offset printed.

It's great to deliver marketing and design services for Asset Managers who have a global presence and offices in three time zones.

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Below is an illustration of the trading software. In each annual report, we showcase which new features have been added.

Would you also like to use custom-made illustrations to promote your complex 'invisible' product? Receive FREE business cases packed with profit-impacting strategies for innovative projects ranging from 60 million to companies managing over 1 billion in assets (Asset Management, technology, and manufacturing industries).