Discover with the free MoreProfitClients talk how to achieve more long-term profits

with the Convincing Power Principles® and increase Customer Lifetime Value by +10%

You have ambitious expansion plans and are driven to realize them. But you're struggling to achieve sustainable profit and high Lifetime Value.

You have ambitious expansion plans and are driven to realize them. Yet, you are struggling to seize the momentum, making long-term profits and high Lifetime Value seem out of reach.

You want to make your expansion successful by taking the next step in that growth. The plan is to better serve and retain your customers, but you are stuck providing services that aren’t distinctive enough.

You notice that customers perceive the value of your service much lower than before, despite your heavy investment in business development. You know your clients are regularly looking at your competitors, and you even know which customers might leave.

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Providing features, updates, and fixes won’t cut it anymore. You could ramp up sales to maintain profits, but due to high costs, your financials reset to zero at the start of every month.

Increasingly, ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence services deliver these features faster and better. Or competitors from Asia provide them cheaper. Customers are increasingly settling for lower quality than what you offer or choosing suppliers who can deliver immediately. This development is advancing rapidly.

It’s time to align with your customer’s ambitions, move to a new market position, and offer new value to your existing customers—creating immense value for new clients—without being replaceable and having to endlessly chase prospects. The goal is for you to make profits, not to subsidize your business just to keep it afloat.


The Convincing Power Model: the integrated and proven approach

Quick-fix sales: One-time fast revenue

‘Start selling directly’ without first marketing your strategic advantage? In the long run, that will cost you more time, money, and frustration.

Integrated approach: Sustainable profits

More Profit Customers and increasing CLTV through the Convincing Power Model is a strategic decision to achieve a sustainable, stable revenue.

An International Entrepreneur’s Experience with the MoreProfitClients talk

Expanding into a new country without drowning in regulations and (im)possibilities.

An international entrepreneur wanted to scale and expand his service to a new country. He had been using his software product for the event industry for a while and was now ready to expand to a new market.

His experience thus far taught him that selling the software product was difficult, with all the costly lessons involved—marketing roadshows and everything that comes with them. It was a huge investment that ultimately resulted in disappointment and losses.

This time, he wanted to make a solid start in a European country. Will the product-market fit work in the new country? What proposition fits the target audience, and which group do we start with? How do I scale my marketing efforts?

Immediate Sustainable Results

During the MoreProfitClients talk, we developed several strategies to achieve this. We clearly prioritized the overwhelming number of actions needed to launch in a new country.

We discussed financing options for the expansion and how we could meet the validation criteria for innovation grants, for instance, by showcasing the positive economic and social contributions.

A week later, the entrepreneur gave me feedback, saying he was thrilled because we had already gained focus and clarity on the right approach. He was impressed by how deeply we delved into the subject in just one conversation and indicated he definitely wanted to continue working together.

Who is Sibren?

  He learned the ins and outs of communication and design at design agencies, including Edenspiekermann (90 employees), which works for corporate clients such as the Dutch Railways, Randstad, ABN-AMRO, Rabobank, and developed branding, positioning, and identity. In 1996, he created the first presentations for a design-sales pitch for Heineken’s repositioning.

Sibren van der Burgt is a business strategist, marketer, and designer.

Innovation in technical possibilities inspires him for new branding, marketing, and design applications. The agile manifesto and lean start-up are highly valued by him, and he has been applying these methods in marketing since 2012. By using agile online collaboration, he remains at the forefront of marketing development for clients worldwide, from Chicago to Hong Kong.

Transformation to Business Partnership

Sibren has over 20 years of communication and design experience in various industries, working with (publicly traded) corporate companies and scale-ups. He has encapsulated this knowledge into a methodology and principles that guide you towards a role as a business partner for your clients, bringing expansion and higher CLTV (Customer Lifetime Value) within reach.

The principles and methodology are continuously developed and are applied by (Digital) Asset Managers operating across all time zones, manufacturing companies, and software firms.

In today's world, you can no longer get by with just adding more features or patching up your products to keep them going. Sometimes, your services are no longer needed because Artificial Intelligence tools can deliver that role faster and cheaper. That’s why Business Partnership is so important, and the Convincing Power Principles help you transform into that partnership, focusing on high-value clients.

Your data will be respected in accordance with GDPR guidelines. 
See also our privacy policy.


MoreProfitClients with the Convincing Power Principles®

We help increase the size, scope, or profitability of both current and new clients by using the Convincing Power Principles. This transforms your current clients into your best-paying customers. We do this with proven marketing tools, brand strategies, content strategies, (web) design, and graphic design.

We bring to light the hidden strategic advantages of your company and highlight them.

With these principles, your most important customers and stakeholders will experience these benefits with conviction, increasing both Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) and attractiveness to investors.

With a higher CLTV, you can pay out profits and invest in your company to, for example, enter new markets. How would it feel to more easily attract investors for your expansion?