Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Discovery workshop

Discovery workshop

Level-up discovery workshop for your brand, marketing & sales

Research into the best opportunities for improvement of marketing and sales at companies in software, technology, finance, and the manufacturing industry.

Especially for the entrepreneur and decision-maker who wants to improve, streamline and/or further expand his marketing and sales with a strategic perspective.

With this workshop, you test how your strategy, marketing, and sales are currently connected. You will see the chain more as a whole process and you will discover where the biggest gains are to lift the marketing and sales chain to a higher level.

This workshop offers a lot of value if you:

  • Are curious if you can convince customers better and faster with marketing
  • Your product or service now sells difficult or insufficiently
  • Has been confronted with the same problem in the marketing - sales chain for a long time.
  • Want to spend less time on 'tinkering' and renovating the entire marketing-sales flow.
  • Discover that the way a competitor or competitor does not work at your company.
  • Find support or consensus from your team for a product idea or new approach to marketing and sales
  • You want to expand or strengthen the branding

For whom?

The Level-up discovery workshop is intended for decision-makers and employees with marketing and sales responsibilities.

The workshop is suitable for groups of up to 4 participants and lasts ± 2.5 hours, excluding 1 hour of free telephone intake in advance.

What do you get

  • Check-up how you are in terms of supply, marketing, and brand experience
  • Clarity and instructions on where the best opportunities are to convince your customers faster
  • Insight into what level your marketing and branding is now and where it needs to go
  • Handles how to get to your level or how to make your branding more consistent

Start with the free test

Download the discovery canvas for your brand, marketing & sales here

Price discovery workshop

€ 495,00 excluding VAT

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