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Case : Design of logo and trade show display for Softwarecompany Object+

Apr 25 2024


Object+ develops and sells software for pre- and post-trade solutions in Clearings. Actual trading transactions take place at the Clearings, where screen traders enter an order (options, derivatives, futures), which is ultimately processed at the Clearing.

The company wanted to return to the FIA exchanges in Europe and the US. With the opening of an office in Chicago, the company aims to be closer to the many Clearings. In Chicago, there are over 30 Clearings; for comparison, the Netherlands has 3 or 4.


To make a good impression, it was necessary to give the styling a significant upgrade. This included an eye-catching presentation display for visits to the FIA exchanges in the UK and US. The old design and marketing materials were insufficient to appear reliable and to entice for a software test.

Logo design of Object+ company

M. van Aalderen, Director at Object+:

"I am very satisfied with the collaboration with you. The most important thing at a fair like the IDX is that we are seen again, and this has been successful with the striking wall. The first part is indeed ready, and the next step will be the website."


First, we developed a new logo. It reflects the uniqueness of the software; it is built from simple basic elements, making it more flexible than competitors' software.

From the new logo, the styling was extended to the corporate identity. And we started developing the trade show display.

And an invitation for all relations

Invitation for Object+ booth at the FIA conference


The trade show display refers to the Dutch roots. For the Dutch, it may seem cliché, but Rembrandt van Rijn is extremely popular abroad. The design is elegantly executed: it is backlit through the canvas from the background. The invitation for the fair fits entirely into this style.

The account manager can once again proudly attend the FIA fair. Below is the booth in Chicago.

Geschreven door: Sibren van der Burgt

Sibren van der Burgt

Na een studie aan de Kunstacademie in Den Haag heeft Sibren van 1996 tot en met 2004 bij de top-ontwerpbureau's van Nederland ervaring opgedaan met corporate klanten zoals NS, ABN-AMRO, Rabobank en Visa. In 1996 had hij de eerste website al in de lucht op sibren.nl.

Met zijn digital design-minded achtergrond helpt hij sinds 2005 bedrijven in de (software) technology, financial markets en maakindustrie om hun diensten on- én offline makkelijker te kunnen vermarkten.

Het team van de ontwerpstudio ontwikkelt samen met de klant een klant-overtuigings-strategie én realiseert de praktische invulling hiervan met marketing en design.

Meer over Sibren >

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